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A private online group where you can learn exactly what you need to know to start becoming a successfully visible entrepreneur, content creator or public figure who can effortlessly speak from the heart. 










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Confident Visible Entrepreneurs is the best place for you as a heart centred and ambitious entrepreneur, who knows that, whatever the challenges of being out there confidently with your message and owning your value, that these are skills you need to master. 
Our private Facebook group, is one of the first places where we test out our trainings on things live speaking, how to speak from the heart, writing your scripts and videos and communicating your value. We offer free coaching, motivation, visibility challenges and interviews with other experts that always tie back to the premise that, for us to receive abundance, we need to connect with that beautiful message that is on our heart and speak it authentically to the world. We cannot hide behind our marketing efforts, we have to be out there with self loving acceptance and speak from that space. Whether on video, in writing or in consultations. Our ideal clientele need to feel it, before they hear or read it.
Even if you tend to play small, avoid making videos or speaking face to face with clients, in this group, you'll hear the phrase "own your voice" a lot. You will understand why we believe that communicating authentically - whatever the situation - is one of the fundamental skills hat all heart centred entrepreneurs, who are serious about their success and helping others, should have. Even if you outsource your marketing or sales. It's still your dream and for it to impact others, you need to be able to express it and your value.
So, whether in front of an audience, raising your hand in key meetings, answering questions from a panel, pitching yourself a product or price point, or when leading others - we've got you covered.
Join us now by clicking here or on the image above.
Can't wait for you to join us!
x Pimmi
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